start healing

complete, proper digestion and not building up toxicity in our bodies means our bodies can focus on its natural healing process more easily. it is said that 75-90% of our immunity is based on our digestive health, so what we eat and how well our body can process it, truly is essential to Life and the energy of our days. 

at the start of my healing journey i had the privilege of connecting with 2 women who reversed their chronic sickness, got off all pharmaceuticals, and made changes that brought healing to their bodies. one healed from breast cancer, the other from churg strauss (the condition i'm healing from). when i take in all the healing testimonies i have listened to and read about (online, and in books), plus these 2 women's healings, each testimony has pointed to genesis 1:29. i have been pretty familiar with the Bible most of my life, but i never took in this verse seriously and practically until i began desperately seeking healing and then saw all the healing testimonies pointing to it. 

God also said, "look, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the surface of the entire earth and every tree whose fruit contains seed. this will be food for you,"

the first piece, and i'd say the most important piece to healing chronic sickness, is upping fiber-rich, life-giving plant foods, as close to nature as possible--think walking through a garden and collecting from trees, bushes and the ground all that is needed for your daily food. i have found that whole, raw fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, seeds, pulses are most healing. let this be 80-95% of your days. such foods are extremely alkalizing, hydrating, and life-giving. if your stomach is sensitive to the raw, soak, steam and cook as needed for easier digestion, especially during the cold season. an important note for fruit: they are wonderfully nourishing, cleansing and healing but best eaten alone (about 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal) to avoid fermentation in the gut.

the most important products (because it's better to not call them food) to take out of our eating, if we want healing, are the "3 processed whites": processed wheat, processed dairy, and processed refined sugar. in taking these 3 products out, we will also likely take out many harmful chemicals, additives and preservatives, which is a wonderful thing! these chemicals build up toxicity in our bodies and impair our nervous systems.

if the aim is reversing chronic sickness, why should we say "no" to the "3 processed whites"? 

processed wheat, even organic and whole grain, is the most difficult grain to digest. it creates blocks in our body which increase inflammation, especially in the digestive system.

processed dairy, even raw and organic, is heavy, mucus-producing, and congesting to the body. the molecules in cow-dairy are too large for people to easily digest, which creates inflammation. the only dairy-exception when healing is ghee, due to the process of preparing it, which removes the milk solids and transforms cow-butter into a medicinal formula with amazing properties that brings balance and healing to our bodies. learn about and use more ghee.:)

processed, refined sugar is unnatural. we have taken natural plants, such as sugarcane, and processed and over-processed them in such ways that our bodies don't recognize them as food, which creates inflammation and toxicity build-up. over-processed sugarcane, far from a natural plant, is pumped into mass numbers of grocery store products, making it challenging to avoid, especially when we start the healing journey. but navigating such challenges truly gets easier and easier as we self-educate more and our eyes are opened to what is truly natural, life-giving food and what is not. our bodies are trying to tell us, too, with our symptoms. may we learn to respect and listen to them better.

when i had chronic sinusitis, my ENT's solution was surgery. when i finally, realized summer of 2018 that i needed to try taking dairy out of my diet (for the first time in my life), it only took 2 weeks before i could breathe through my nose again. 2 weeks of changing my eating, and my ENT's answer was surgery? so my word to you, if you are in chronic sickness, is give these changes two weeks. at least two weeks. see and feel how your body benefits. and then take the next good step. some people only need to take out wheat and their seizures stop. for me, dairy was the start of allowing my body to decongest and experience relief from sinusitis, walking pneumonia, and asthma. because i am healing from a systemic infection, keeping my natural sweets, even fruits, low these days is healing.

and what about meat? i have found that the ancient writings in the Bible and ayurveda have beautiful, healing wisdom in this regard, too. Leviticus 11 clarifies what is quality meat and what shouldn't go in our bodies. if you dare, search into the science about why certain animals are not good for putting in our bodies. it is good for all of us to  know, but especially for those of us healing from chronic sickness when we can use all the help we can to keep out toxicity. if you aren't familiar with ayurveda, john doulliard, a colorado ayurvedic doctor whom i respect, shares an overview about it here, and his website is a wealth of wise, healing knowledge, too. 

blessed Healing to us all,
amy luella
