Humble Vegetable Pie

Note: Today is the last day of summer. I ate my first tomato from the garden.

[That pretty one is now gone and was delicious!]

In my seven years of gardening in Colorado, most years tomatoes have not thrived. This year's plants, which were started from seed, are beautiful, happy, strong, and full of green fruit. I just want to taste more red before frost!

Pumpkins usually thrive. This year my nearly 10 vines are slow growing and weak. Currently, I have one beautifully orange ball the size of my hand.

We are still getting carrots, kale, peppers, and broccoli from the summer garden.

My experimental winter garden is giving us radishes now.

The sweet peas are reaching up and holding on, and spinach is popping out.

I love working with plants, and trying my hand at organic growing in Colorado. I do. But after seven years, I am left knowing I have so much to learn.
