My Mother-in-Law

You are one of the strongest...
and gentlest.

Your legacy for your children and grandchildren is one of great hope.

You have seen hardship and grief like no one else I know, but you smile and love and love and love.

You are a mother-in-law who honors, supports, prays, cherishes. I am fortunate.

Your son, your grandchildren, and I need the goodness that you give us, and we are so thankful for it.

Maybe AD can chime in next time, but from the other three, these "three" words remind them of you:

AF: I-like-her, I-want-to-go-to-her-house-again, I-like-drinking-her-water
H: Texas, kind, nice
Espi: I love you.

You are a beautiful woman.
Have a happy birthday.
We love you!
