{Beautiful Colorado} Roxborough State Park
October is birthday month for Espi and me. Mine at the start of the month, his at the end. One of my birthday requests was a hike, but that morning snow came in. Just a dusting, but enough cold that it would have been more painful with the whole family than pleasant.
This past weekend had gorgeous weather. Our hiking destination was Roxborough State Park in southwest Denver area. The last time we visited AF, our middle, was a pea in a front pack carrier. It's really too pretty a place and way too close to visit once every 4 years!
I wondered if we had missed the heart of the fall colors. Oh, but I was so pleasantly surprised to see the colorful glow everywhere.
Apparently, the park had a bobcat sighting a couple days prior and a bear sighting a week prior. We didn't see much on the ground other than squirrels that day, but we did see 4 sightings of eagles circling high above the cliffs.
{This is as close as our camera zooms in and we left our binoculars at home that day. Rats. Can you spy the speck of an eagle in the sky?}
About a mile into our hiking loop, we claimed a bench for lunch.
We took the Fountain Valley Trail loop that day and half way through peeked in the windows of Henry Persse's summer home at the turn of the century.
Overall, the kids did great, and it was a wonderful time together. Yet, after finishing the over 2 miles of hiking, AD was grumping around and wouldn't stand still for a family shot. It's always a clear sign that he'll be zonked out on our ride home within a couple minutes. And sure enough!
{AD was standing next to his big sister before the camera timer began.}
Thank you, "Roxborough" for giving us a huge, delicious serving of fall. It was certainly icing on my very sweet birthday cake.