simple design, minimal color {embroidery}
it has been fun the last couple weeks setting up embroidery projects and working on them here and there. once the design is laid out or drawn on the fabric with a mark b gone pen, the hardest part is over, and i just need to "fill it in" with color. i enjoy how easy it is to embroider while the kids are doing school work. because the "filling in" part is sort of mindless, like putting a coat of paint on a wall, i can ask and answer questions while i am working the needle and thread. keeping the hoop, needle, and thread handy in the home is a sweet way to use brief pause or wait time, also, as such time comes up quite often.
i kept these dish or tea towel projects pretty simple.
i have loved shanna murray's sweet decal of a lamb and sheep for a long time; so i started there.
adding words from psalm 23 seemed like a fitting compliment.
i initially decided to use one pleasant color. but at the end, a little touch of colorful, spring flowers seemed just right.
i used the back stitch, french knot, and fly stitch for the words and images and a blanket stitch for the edging.
my next project started with a embroidery pattern shared on geninne's art blog of a folk bird with a flower branch in its beak. a dear verse that makes me smile from my 2012 readings, 2 corinthians 6:11-13, was apart of this piece. i chose to fill in with just pale and dark blue.
back stitch, straight stitch, french knot, stem stitch, and split stitch were used for the words and images, and french knots bordered.
i hope you are adjusting well to the time change.
spring is definitely rockier for me than the fall change. but, isn't it sweet knowing the season that is nearly ready to make its debut?