From Treehouses to Bunkbeds
August has started simple and slow...

I attest, "Need is the mother of resourcefulness." Homemade bread usually happens around here if groceries have dwindled. But after we dig into warm slices spread with good butter, I am always glad I did!

Mornings bless and challenge. Enjoying sunrises, good reading, and quiet are some favorite starts to the day when I can get up early, early.

He has an idea, and he is running with it. The plan is to connect this tree house-in-progress to the play set by way of a bridge!

The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker?? Hmmm.

The girls have a new setup thanks to Craigslist! We all love their bunkbeds.
Desperate for a treat, we made carrot cake with cream cheese frost. I was asking a lot to have the girls pose for a picture with cupcakes in hand!
When she sees her daddy horseback riding, she waits patiently to the side with her helmet under her arm. And when he calls her over, she runs with a smile to take her turn.
The girls might bike, scooter, dig in the sandbox, chalk on the sidewalks, swing,...or just sit in the tall grass talking when I do morning laundry on the line or yard work. I couldn't resist capturing this one today!