As of 4:57pm yesterday, our oldest has officially been around six years.
Her snow laden birthday was so cold with flakes continually dancing in the air all day long. It kept family from safely traveling to celebrate with us, but we still cautiously ventured out on the roads to make some simple wishes come true.

{Prep: balloons, cloth celebration flags strung across the room, birthday "crown" by adding a "6" to a princess headdress H fashioned several weeks ago, presents, and gluten-free raspberry pop cake, tasty but so crumbly the 1 1/2 batches of chocolate frosting barely held it as one bumpy mound}

{Her menu request for the day: waffles with strawberries and blueberries for breakfast; Chipotle for lunch; ravioli, grilled asparagus, plus Popeye's mash potatoes and biscuits for dinner; and raspberry pop cake and strawberry ice cream for dessert}

{Wished for ice skating, Wild Life Experience museum, or Monkey Business as ways to spend her day. Given the ages of her siblings, Espi and I surprised her with MB, and they played all morning long until lunch finally called.}

H, what do you think about birthdays? They're the best!
What did you really want for your birthday this year? The phone. [a pretend cell phone with a recording and play back feature] Did you get it? Yes, I did!

{Finishing up lunch at Chipotle, H stands up waiting for the rest of us leave. I love her hazel eyes and asked, "How did you get such beautiful eyes??" She replies the regular, "God." She humors me by looking at the camera wide-eyed as I try to capture her hints of green and center-specks of brown gems.}

Happy six years, Precious Girl!
Her snow laden birthday was so cold with flakes continually dancing in the air all day long. It kept family from safely traveling to celebrate with us, but we still cautiously ventured out on the roads to make some simple wishes come true.
{Prep: balloons, cloth celebration flags strung across the room, birthday "crown" by adding a "6" to a princess headdress H fashioned several weeks ago, presents, and gluten-free raspberry pop cake, tasty but so crumbly the 1 1/2 batches of chocolate frosting barely held it as one bumpy mound}

{Her menu request for the day: waffles with strawberries and blueberries for breakfast; Chipotle for lunch; ravioli, grilled asparagus, plus Popeye's mash potatoes and biscuits for dinner; and raspberry pop cake and strawberry ice cream for dessert}

{Wished for ice skating, Wild Life Experience museum, or Monkey Business as ways to spend her day. Given the ages of her siblings, Espi and I surprised her with MB, and they played all morning long until lunch finally called.}

H, what do you think about birthdays? They're the best!
What did you really want for your birthday this year? The phone. [a pretend cell phone with a recording and play back feature] Did you get it? Yes, I did!
What are you going to want to do this year now that you're six? the stuff I liked to do when I was 5. Anything new? drive a car...like my friend Gabrielle did [steering on her parent's lap]!
Who are your friends? Ashleigh, Greta, Addy, Trent...I guess that's it.
What makes you happy? Abran and my blanket
What makes you sad? when I can't have something I really, really, really want
What do you do when you're sad? run to my room
What is your favorite book? princess and make-stuff [craft] books
What is something you like about yourself? that I like jewelry, swans, and everything that's make-believe.
What would you like to do when you grow up? be a mom who doesn't have to make food...because I don't know how to cook.

{Finishing up lunch at Chipotle, H stands up waiting for the rest of us leave. I love her hazel eyes and asked, "How did you get such beautiful eyes??" She replies the regular, "God." She humors me by looking at the camera wide-eyed as I try to capture her hints of green and center-specks of brown gems.}
Happy six years, Precious Girl!