Go-to Probiotics that are Food Sources

 Antibiotics are anti-life. The more we use them our internal ecology, our microbiome, becomes more heavily imbalanced, which is known as dysbiosis. 

I knew I had dysbiosis from a stool test in 2014, but at the time I was never given clear guidance from the family doctor on how to reverse it, and I didn't have enough self-education to navigate the healing on my own, yet. 

When life is weak in our body the foundation is laid for pathogens designed to clean up waste and death, such as parasites and fungal overgrowth, to take root and proliferate in vulnerable tissues and organs...until we know better and start making life-establishing choices for ourself and our body. 

When life or good bacteria is not strong in a body, sickness hits harder the next time we are exposed to bad bacteria, which can lead to sometimes scary symptoms, which I've known well, such as respiratory difficulty or sinus pain and congestion. This fear or pain then can lead people running for antibiotics or steroids to just gain some relief because they don't know, yet, how to stop the death-creating cycle in their microbiome.


Taking foods out of my diet that feed bad bacteria and pathogens and significantly adding food sourced probiotics daily helped me step away from my last antibiotic prescription in 2018 for respiratory disease. All of these changes laid the foundation for me, too, becoming pharmaceutical free in 2019. 


So how do we re-establish strong life in our internal ecology or microbiome? 

First, take out of your diet what is feeding the bad bacteria, parasites and fungus. Like I shared in my post, "Start Healing," take out the "3 processed whites," which are processed wheat, processed dairy, and processed sugar. These "food products" are far from natural, so they are toxic to our bodies, burdensome, congesting and feed the bad pathogens, continuing what we do not want--a weakening of the body, sickness and dis-ease.

Second, take out all pharmaceuticals and bio-chemicals as safely and as soon as you can. Pharmaceuticals and bio-chemicals are toxic. They destroy liver and gut health. Our liver has 500+ jobs in our body; we want and need it healthy. A healthy gut = a strong, healthy immune system. Gut health makes up 70-80% of our immunity. A healthy gut is, also, foundational to our mental and emotional health. If you are prone to depression, anxiety, or nervousness, seriously look into gut healing as you pursue your overall well-being. To top it off, pharmaceuticals do not aid in true healing. They numb symptoms, but the side effects are dangerous or deadly. There is a better way, and there is hope for every ailment free of pharmaceuticals and bio-chemicals. Keep self-educating.

As for what to add to re-establish life inside the body, the following are my go-to probiotics that are food sources.

1. Coconut kefir: It's a probiotic drink, like raw goat or cow kefir, but non-dairy. Especially, when one is dealing with chronic disease, keep even raw dairy (the proper form of dairy) out because it is difficult to digest in a weak person or an unhealthy digestive system. I haven't made my own coconut kefir. I buy it from our local health food grocer. Take it medicinally, a tablespoon with every meal or a couple tablespoons in the morning and at night. I find it's a very pleasant, kid-friendly taste; so it's an especially wonderful natural source of probiotics for babies and little ones. For the little ones, start with a teaspoon 1-3 times per day.

2. Raw fruits and vegetables: Avoid the gut-destroying chemicals, so eat organic and non-GMO. They are full of probiotics, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Raw is more life-giving than cooked, but steamed or cooked, especially for those with a current weak digestion, is better than nothing. Smoothie versions are easier to digest, too. Keep at it; eat what you like, and add more as your gut gets stronger and healthier. Eat raw daily, and get to know what's in season and local. Enjoy these live foods, especially!

3. Raw apple cider vinegar: Start with a respectable brand or make your own. I'd stay away from Bragg's, as the company has been bought out, and it's standards have, sadly, been lowered. My favorite ways to add ACV into my day are in my salad dressings or in a simple energy drink: 2 cups of water + 2 tablespoons of ACV + 2 tablespoons of raw honey, all blended well = delicious, nutritious and uplifting. Do your research, and get creative. ACV is a good source of enzymes and probiotics. The more you can add it into your days the better for internal and external healing and health. 

4. Cultured vegetables: Look for probiotic filled versions in the refrigerator section of your grocery store, especially natural grocers. My favorite kimchi I buy at our local ethnic market. Fermented beets is another one I enjoy. Because fermented vegetables are so inexpensive and easy to make, I make my own. My go-to recipe in my diet regularly is in the post, "Fermented Vegetables: Saukraut." I grew up enjoying saukraut, so the strong taste and smell I'm good with. Medicinally, eat a tablespoon or two of fermented vegetables with each meal or a small bowl full daily. 

In the world of fermentation, I will warn, if you know you have fungal overgrowth in your body, stay away from the fermented drink kombucha, especially while you heal. It is "wildly" fermented and feeds fungal issues.

Any probiotic food sources you'd add to this list? I'd love to hear!

A sweet benfit to these probiotic foods? When I'm needing an energy boost, getting one of these probiotic food sources in me, boosts my mood and my energy shortly after. It's simple and powerful.

Also, sweet cravings are often bad bacteria calling out for "their" food. Use one or more of these probiotic food sources to stop the craving in its tracks and give the body what it needs and wants most, life. The more you do this, truly, the more your body will hunger and crave the life sources as your microbiome becomes healthier and stronger, and the reward will be internal and external.

Self-education is powerful. Keep seeking, learning, and walking in Life. It's God's intent and will for each of us, and He's given us all we need to do so.

Blessed Healing,

Amy Luella
